135 park on that day. It was reported that the F. A. had suspended Parker for 14 days and Cummins for 7 days. It was understood that the cheque due from Crewe would be sent this week. Mr. Britton reported that he had been in touch with Crewe regarding Blunstone, and they had asked for offers. It was stated that 10 Clubs were interested, and after various views had been expressed the matter was left to the Manager. It was reported that Jones had been ordered a further weeks rest, and Lindley was doubtful for Saturday. Cross & Falder were now in training, and the specialist was pleased with the progress of Moore. Indemnity It was agreed to issue a new share certificate to Mrs. S. J. Fairhurst, against her Indemnity to replace the lost Certificate. Oldham Ath. It was agreed to again request payment of the £500 due to us. Vacancy The Chairman referred to a letter he had received from Old Luke Hogan, and the comments he had made to the press that it was the intention of the Board to fill the vacancy, caused by the resignation of Mr. H. R. Williams, by co-option, and it was agreed that further acknowledgment be sent. It was then agreed unanimously, to invite Mr. F. Micklesfield to join the Board and fill this Vacancy. Directors away To Birmingham:- Messrs E. Green, J. C. Sharp, T. C. Nuttall & C. E. Balmforth.