
			[Meeting held Exchange Hotel. L'pool
			Tuesday Jan 22nd. 1952.]

		Present:-Mr. W. R. Williams (Chair) and all
		other Directors excepting Mr. W. C. Gibbins.
			Manager & Secretary in attendance.
			Minutes of Meeting of Jan. 15th were
		read and confirmed.

Finance			Receipts reported were:-
		Gate v Leyton Orient			4202.6.0
		Leyton Orient F. C.	Share Gate	 827.4.4
		Gate v Cardiff City			4364.0.0
			Cheques were signed for:-
		Customs & Excise 	Tax		764.8.11
		Football League		4%		152.16.7
		Cardiff City F. C.  Share Gate		605. 6.2
		L'pool City Police			 74.12.6
		Wages					591. 8.1
		Petty Cash				 67. 2.0
			Bank Balance £18,538.13.1 Dr.

Blunstone 107.		Mr. J. C. Sharp gave a good report of this
  Crewe A.	Inside forward. He was fast & strong and
		distributed the	ball well. Bell (Tranmere Rovers)
		did not shine in this game in opposition to

Reports			Mr. Green reported that the 2nd Team
		game at Stoke had been postponed, and Mr.
		Britton Reported on the games v Leyton Orient
		and Cardiff City.
			It was reported that Bury appeared to
		be the only team free to arrange a friendly
		game with on Feb. 2nd, and the matter was
		left in Mr. Britton hands to do what he
		thought best, and it was agreed to try
		to arrange an 'A' team game at Goodison