
		and agreed that we be represented.

E. Wainwright		This player had made a request
	   88.	for a house to be provided for him, and
		the matter was left in abeyance.
			It was agreed that in future
		all injuries sustained by players should
		be made the subject of a claim against
		the Football League Insurance Federation,
		and any such pay received from National
		Insurance be refunded to the Club.

Referees Assn.		It was agreed to donate £50
Conference 30	towards the expenses of this Association
		Conference to be held in Southport.

Mrs. Roberts		It was reported that Mrs. Roberts
		a pensioner had died on Jan. 9th, and that
		the pension would now cease.
			A letter of thanks from Mrs.
		Lake was read, for the privilege granted
		to her till the end of the Season.

Directors Away		To Stoke:- Mr. E. Green.

Next Meeting		Tuesday Jan. 22nd at 4 p.m.

				Confirmed as correct.

				  W. R. Williams