126 [Meeting held Exchange Hotel, Wed. Jan. 2nd 1952] Present:- Mr. W. R. Williams (Chair) and all other Directors excepting Mr. H. R. Williams. Manager & Secretary in attendance. Minutes of Meeting of Dec. 18th were read and confirmed. Finance Receipts reported were:- Sheffield Wed. F. C. Share Gate 472.17.7 Doncaster Rovers F. C. do 283.5.8 Gate v Doncaster R. 4179.17.3 Gate v Leeds Utd. 3127.2.9 Cheques were signed for:- Directors Expenses 63.16.0 Customs & Excise 627.9.1 Football League 109.7.9 Leeds Utd. F. C. 455.15.9 Police 43.12.6 Wages 626.1.5 Petty Cash 101.2.7 W. Dickinson Salary 50.14.7 Football Association TKTS. EVS. 27.16.0 Bank Balance £21520.11.3 Dr. Reports Mr. E. Green commented on the games over the Holidays, and Mr. W. C. Gibbins commented on the poor Referring in the game v Doncaster which resulted in Parker & Bycroft being ordered off the field. Mr. Britton them gave his report of the Holiday games. It was reported that Jones had pulled a muscle and would not be fit for Saturday, but Eglington was fit & Faldar much improved. It was reported that Molyneux had been signed on professional forms and was