
Next Meeting		Tuesday Nov. 27 at 4 pm.

						Confirmed as correct
						W. R. Williams
						Chairman 27/11/51.

			[Meeting held Exchange Hotel, L'pool
			Tuesday Nov. 27th 1951]

		Present:- Mr. W. R. Williams (Chair) all all other
		Directors except Messrs H. R. Williams & T. C. Nuttall
		who tendered apologies.
			Manager & Secretary in attendance.

			Minutes of Meeting of Nov. 20th were
		read and confirmed.

Finance			Receipts reported was:-
		Gate v Aston Villa Res.			117.13.6
			Cheques were signed for:-
		Wages					636.19.4
		Petty Cash				202.17.0
		W. Dickinson	Salary			 50. 3.8
		G. Burnett	All Benefit		116. 1.6
			Bank Balance £27,856.12.0 Dr.

Report of		The report of recommendations of the
Sub-Committee	Sub-Committee as presented by Mr. W. R. Williams
	100	was approved. (Copy annexed)

Reports			Reports on the 1st Team game v West
		Ham were given by Messrs J. C. Sharp and
		N. W. Coffey and on the 2nd Team game v
		Aston Villa Res. by Mr. W. C. Gibbins & Dr.
		C. S. Baxter, after which Mr. Britton gave
		his report of the 1st Team game.