
		considering coming ever for a trial, and
		would let us knew his decision later.
			Mr. Younger had recommended a Junior
		player, Nelson age 17 who still at School
		but his parents were net keen on him
		coming over.
			Mr. Britton reported his interview with
		the Chairman of Crewe Alex. They were
		interested in Catterick and Saunders and
		wanted to know the lowest figure we would
		take for them. The matter was left to Mr.
		Britton having in view the possibilities of
		exchanges for Blunstone, and the negotiation
		pending re Bell.
			It was reported that Buckle & Gibson
		were doubtful for Saturday, but Moore was
		fit, and Lewis had been ? and
		had reported for training.

B. B. C. 		It was agreed to grant permission
	58	to the B. B. C. to broadcast a commentary
		during the 2nd half of a future match.
			It was agreed to support the adoption
		by the Liverpool County F. A. of the Rule
		requiring 7 days notice before approaching
		amateur players.

Directors Away		To West Ham :- Messrs E. Green, J. C. Sharp,
		N. W. Coffey and T. C. Nuttall.

Transfer of		The following was approved:-
Shares		Shares No. 1885 from Xors. W. H. Morrison to
		D. H. Morrison.

Pickett R. H. B.	Mr. H. R. Williams reported that this
Portsmouth	player was to be placed on the transfer list
		at £10,000. Agreed that we were not