116 [Meeting held Exchange Hotel, L'pool, Tuesday Nov. 19th 1951] Present :- Mr. W. R. Williams (Chair) and all other Directors. Manager & Secretary in attendance. Minutes of Meeting Nov. 12th were read and confirmed. Finance Receipts reported were:- Swansea Town F. C. Share Gate 244.14.11 Gate v Coventry 2383.18. 9 Cheques were signed for :- Customs & Excise 193. 9. 1 Football League 82. 3. 2 Coventry City F. C. 355.14.10 Police 50. 6. 6 Wages 590.13. 4 Petty Cash 92.16. 2 Bank Balance £25,946.4.0 Dr. Reports Reports on the 1st Team game v Coventry were given by Messrs W. C. Gibbins, C. S. Baxter, N. W. Coffey and T. C. Nuttall, and on the 2nd Team game v Bury Res. by Messrs E. Green & J. C. Sharp, which were followed by Mr. Britton's report of the 1st Team game. 113 Dwyer (C. F.) Mr. E. Green reported his visit to Dublin Shelbourne with the Manager to watch this player again. He did not show up well in a very robust game, and did not appear worth following up. Mr. Britton view agreed, and he did not think he was worth buying. 113 Curtis (C. H. ) This player did not show anything to Shelbourne warrant bringing him over, and it was agreed not to proceed further with either of these players. McCall It was reported that McCall was