
			[Meeting held Exchange Hotel, L'pool
				Tuesday Oct. 2nd 1951.]

		Present:- Mr. W. R. Williams (Chair) & all other
		Directors excepting Mr. F. W. Lake.
			Manager & Secretary in attendance.
			Minutes of Meeting of Sept. 25th were
		read & confirmed.

Finance			Receipt reported was:-
		Gate v Liverpool Res.			260.4.0
			Cheques were signed for:-
		Directors Expenses			 98. 2.2
		Wages					607.3.11
		Petty Cash				231. 4.9
		J. Lindsay	   Removal Xcs.		 31.19.0
			Bank Balance £29,995.17.9 Dr.

Report of   87.		The recommendations of the Sub-Committee
Sub. Committee	as presented by Mr. W. R. Williams (Copy annexed)
		were approved.

Reports			Reports on the 1st Team Game v
		Leicester City were given by Messrs E. Green,
		J. C. Sharp, H. R. Williams, N. W. Coffey and
		T. C. Nuttall and on the 2nd Team game v
		Liverpool Res. by Dr. C. S. Baxter, which were
		followed by Mr. Britton's report of the 1st Team
		Game v Leicester City.
			It was reported that Moore was
		doubtful for Saturday and that Potts had
		improved and may be fit in another week.
		Wainwright had started running and may
		be fit to play by Christmas. Harris complained
		of swelling in his ankle & knee.
			The Scouting expenses for season
		1949-50 were detailed by Mr. Britton and
		totaled £526.18.7.