98 Nejand It was reported that Wigan Ath. had given 7 days notice of their intention to approach this player, and it was agreed to sign him on professional forms, and any other outstanding Amateurs to prevent poaching. Mr. Britton reported his visit to the Shrewsbury v Leyton Game to see Brown I. F. (Shrewsbury) & Jackson O. R. (Leyton) but he was not impressed with either of them. It was reported that Potts had been in Hospital, but they could not get any fluid away. He would be in splints for 10 Days. Sagar was in bed with stomach trouble. A letter of thanks from the Prescot B. I. Social Club for our donation was read. A request from the Y. M. C. A. to play a game in aid of their Funds against a Scottish Team was considered, and turned down, in view of our possible heavy programme at the end of the Season. A. Powell 17. A Medical Certificate in respect of this player, received from B'ham City was read and it was agreed to make a copy and return the original without comment. Footballers Golf It was agreed to donate £25 to Championship this year Competition due to be played Oct. 8th. Directors Away To Leicester:- Messrs E. Green, J. C. Sharp, N. W. Coffey, T. C. Nuttall & H. R. Williams. Transfer of The following were approved:- Shares Shares Nod. 2209 & 861 to 864 from the Exor. of W. J. Bergin to Mr. Louisa Ford. McPherson Mr. H. R. Williams suggested that Notts City Notts City may be interested in exchanging this player for either Hold or a full back and this idea