96 POTTS 3 It was agreed to consider parting with this player if a good offer was made, and it was reported that he had fluid on the Knee which was to be taken away on Thursday. Lindley was now fit, but Wainwright was only making slow progress and still had to use a stick. F. WINN It was reported that this man had accepted the Groundsman's job at Bellefield at £7.0.0 per week, and would commence in October. Prescot B. I. An appeal from this Club for a Social Club donation in respect of Rabone & Hampson was considered, and it was agreed to send £25 in recognition of Rabone only. Correspondence Letters of thanks were read from 55 the Liverpool Schools F. A. and the Chairman of Port Vale F. C. Appeals from The Pollock Football Club and the Sailors' Children's Society were turned down. Foulkes (O. R.) Mr. J. C. Sharp gave a good report of this (Chester) player. He was fast, a good positional player and looked really class. Directors Away To Manchester: - Mr. E. Green. Transfer of The following were approved:- Shares Shares No 490 & 2304 from Xors. Mr. G. Guthrie to Miss B. G. Guthrie. Benefits 32 It was agreed that the Chairman should present these to Farrell & Eglington after training on Thursday. Next Meeting Tuesday Sept. 25th at 4 p.m. Confirmed as Correct W. R. William Chairman 25/9/51