92 J. O'Neill It was reported that this player now 90 wished to remain with the Club. Groundsman An application for the vacant post at Bellefield had been received from F. Winn, who was highly recommended. It was agreed to offer him £7 per week & the house free provided there were no better applications received. F. L. League v It was noted that this game was to be F. L. of Ireland played an our ground on Oct. 10th and agreed that the prices be as follows. Members & Shareholders Stands (front) 10/-, (Rear) 5/- for Reserved seats. Other stands 3/-, Cash at turnstiles, Paddock 2/6, Ground 1/6. Boys Brigade A request FROM 39 Liverpool troupe of the Boys Brigade for aid in Purchasing Band Instrument was considered and it was agreed to send a donation of £5.5.0. The Chairman reported that he had seen the Launderette service method in operation and it did not appear to be anything that would be suitable for our needs. A letter from Mr. Y. E. Ellis was read complaining that he could not book seat for same overseas visitors at a League Game, agreed that the Secretary write him and re-affirm that seats for League Games are not bookable. Directors Away To West Brom. Res.:- Mr. E. Green To Nottingham & Cardiff:- Messrs E. Green & H. R. Williams Transfer of Shares Shares Nod 607 from Xors. Cedric Baxter to Mr. F. M. Baxter was approved and the from of Indemnity against the last Certificate was accepted. Next Meeting Monday Sep. 10th at 4 p.m. Confirmed as Correct W. R. Williams 10/7/57 Chairman