91 [Meeting held Exchange Hotel, L'pool Monday Sept. 3rd 1951.] Present :- Mr. W. R. Williams (Chair) & all other Directors, Manager & Secretary in attendance. Minutes of Aug. 28th 1951 were read and confirmed. Finance Receipts reported were:- Brentford F. C. Share Gate 231.9.8 Season Ticket Sales 308.0.0 Gate v Newcastle Res. 148.2.9 Cheques were signed for:- Charity Match Allocation 281.15.11 Customs & Excise 7.17. 3 Wages 586.19. 6 Bank Balance £26,329.18.6 Dr. Bank Overdraft The Chairman reported that the reply 89. from the National Provincial Bank was similar to the reply from the Midland Bank agreed to leave the matter in abeyance for the time being. Reports Reports on the 1st Team game v Leeds Utd. were given by Messrs E. Green, J. C. Sharp, N. W. Coffey & T. C. Nuttall, and on the 2nd Team game v Newcastle Res. by the Chairman, Mr. W. C. Gibbins & Dr. C. S. Baxter, followed by Mr. Britton report of the 1st Team game v Leeds Utd. Vaughan The visit of Mr. E. Green and the 89 Manager to London to see this player was reported. He had a moderate game and was not likely to solve our problem. He was 31 yrs. of age and preferred to remain in the South. Transfer List It was agreed to circularise the League Clubs that we were prepared to receive offers for Burnett, Buckle, Catterick, Falder & McIntosh.