89 [Meeting held Exchange Hotel, L'pool Tuesday Aug. 28th 1951.] Present:- Mr. W. R. Williams (Chair) & all other Directors excepting Messrs F. W. Lake & H. R. Williams who tendered apologies. Manager & Secretary in attendance. Minutes of Meeting of Aug. 21st were read and confirmed. Finance Receipts reported were:- Gate v Brentford 2610.10. 0 Gate v Sheffield Wed. 3526.12. 0 Season Ticket Sales 472. 7. 6 Southampton F. C. Share of Gate 319. 2. 2 Cheques were signed for:- Customs & Excise 559. 1. 7 Football League 4% 91. 1. 0 -do- 4% 123.17.10 Brentford F. C. 20% 394. 3.10 Sheffield Wed. F. C. 20% 513.14.10 L'pool City Police 85.10. 0 W. Dickinson Salary 51. 0. 4 do Wages 656. 3. 6 do Petty Cash 99.15. 8 T. J. Smith & Sons DEP. 7 Rahman Dr. 200. 0. 0 Bank Balance £26,143.11.6 Dr. Bank Overdraft The Chairman reported that he had not 88. received any reply yet to the enquiries he had made. Sub-Committee The recommendations of the Sub-Committee Report 79. as presented by Mr. W. R. Williams (Copy annexed) were approved, and agreed to obtain Washing Machine. Reports Mr. E. Green reported on the 1st Team game v Brentford and Mr. J. C. Sharp reported on the 2nd Team game v Bolton Res., after which Mr.