[SUB-COMMITTEE MEETING HELD AT GOODISON PARK THURSDAY 23RD August 1951] Present:- Mr. W. R. Williams (Chair) and Messrs. E. Green & J. C. Sharp. Manager and Secretary in attendance. The following recommendations were agreed to:- PETTY CASH FLOAT. Agreed to increase this to £250.0.0. WASHING MACHINE. Agreed that prices be obtained for a new Machine, from Daniel Henderson Ltd. WAGES. The following increased wages were agreed on:- R. Williams £7. 1. 0. H. Wright £7. 1. 0. J. McDonald £6.16. 0. retrospective from 11th March. W. H. Cooke £6.10. 0. K. F. Busby £5.10. 0. Miss J. Milne £4. 5. 0. E. Storey £9. 0. 0. A. Storey £7. 0. 0. G. Thompson £6. 0. 0. F. Blundell £6. 0. 0. J. Maddocks £5.10. 0 H. E. Cooke £14. 0. 0. C. Leyfield £13. 0. 0. A. LEATHER. Agreed to grant this Employee a pension of £1. 0. 0 per week from Sept. 3rd. BULLENS ROAD LIGHTS. Agreed to obtain an estimate for the work required from Hugh Roberts. MINISTRY OF PENSIONS Agreed that the tickets for use of inmates HOSPITAL. of this Hospital be issued from our office. RENTS. Agreed that the following rents be payable. Farrell 25/- per week. Lindsay 25/- per week. CHARITY MATCH. The following allocations from the proceeds of the Practice Match were agreed on:- Lancashire F. A. Benevolent Fund. 60. 0. 0 Liverpool County F. A. Benevolent Fund. 60. 0. 0 St. John Ambulance Brigade. 50. 0. 0 R. N. Lifeboat Institution. 40. 0. 0 Merseyside Fund for the Blind. 25. 0. 0 Limbless Ex-Servicemen's Association. 15. 0. 0 Liverpool Deaf & Dumb Institute. 11.15.11 Maghull Home for Epileptics. 10. 0. 0 League of Welldoers. 10. 0. 0 ---------- £281.15.11 ----------