
DAVIES			This player had been seen last Saturday
(SUNDERLAND)	by Mr. W. Laine, who reported that he was big,
	81.	heavy and slow, age about 30, and was very
		disappointing. He did appear to be trying.

A. Leather		It was reported that this employee had
		tendered his resignation, owing to his wife's
		ill-health, and it was agreed to advertise the
		vacancy thus caused.

WAINWRIGHT		The specialist was reported to be very
		pleased with the progress of this player, who
		was now reporting to the ground daily.

CORRESPONDENCE		Letter of thanks for the tickets sent to
		them, had been received from the Shareholders 77
		Association and Messrs J. Carsen & J. Moores.

F. L. MEETING		Agreed that Mr. E. Green together with
		Mr. Britton should attend the Conference of
		Clubs, and the F. L. Meeting to reconsider the
		ban on broadcasting.

DIRECTORS AWAY.		To Bolton Mr. J. C. Sharp.
			To Brentford :- Messrs E. Green, W. C. Gibbins & H. R. Williams.

W. Storey		It was noted that this employee had
	81	accepted the increased wages offered him.

SHARE TRANSFER		Shares Nod. 1666 to 1668 from T. J. Collings to
		Tammy Hunter were approved.

Next Meeting		Tuesday Aug. 28th at 4 p.m.

						Confirmed as correct

							W. R. Williams