
			[Meeting held Exchange Hotel, L'pool,
			Tuesday Aug. 21st 1951.]

		Present:- Mr. W. R. Williams (Chair) & all other
		Directors excepting Mr. H. R. Williams who sent
		a letter of apology for his absence.
			Manager & Secretary in attendance.

			Minutes of Meeting of Aug. 14th were
		read and confirmed.

Finance			Cheques were signed for:-
		Customs & Excise		     Tax		1383.10.10
		T. J. Smith & Sons		17 Thirlmere Dr.	1800. 0. 0
		Phonographic Performance Ltd.				  20.16. 8
		W. Dickinson			    Wages		 538. 0. 6
		    do				   Petty Cash		  83.11.10
		    do				Xcs. v Brentford	  80. 0. 0
		T. Kelly	 	  				  20. 0. 0
			Bank Balance £30,516.3.7 Dr.

Bank Overdraft 81.	The Chairman reported his interview
		with the Bank Manager when he was informed
		that the Bank of England would not sanction
		any extension of our existing overdraft, and it
		was agreed that he should make discreet enquiries

Reports			Of the weekend games reports of the 1st
		Team v Southampton were given by Messrs J. C.
		Sharp & T. C. Nuttall, the Reserves v Leeds Utd. Res.
		by Dr. C. S. Baxter & Mr. N. W. Coffey and the
		Reserves v Sheffield Wed. by Mr. E. Green.
			Mr. Britton then gave his report of
		the 1st Team game v Southampton and the 2nd
		team game v Sheffield Wed. Res.

A. Powell 86.		It was noted that Birmingham City
		F. C. had been informed of our decision with
		regard to this player.