																The Everton Football Club Company Limited.


															        For Period 7th May, 1950 to 5th May, 1951.

								EXPENDITURE.			 																INCOME.
		  6th May, 1950.												5th May, 1951.			6th May,  1950.								  		   5th May, 1951.
		   £	s. d.							 						  £	s.  d.		 £	s.  d.	  £	s.  d.	  £	s.  d.						 £	s.  d.	  £	 s.  d.	  £	s.   d.
		23651	 2  0	To Players' Wages and Benefits	....	....	....	....	....	....	....	....	30826	 3   0				102196	13   0			By Gate Receipts: Gross		....			94398	 2   1
		 1600	 0  0	"  Players' Transfer Fees	....	....	....	....	....	....	....	....	12635	10   0									Less:
		  713	18  3	"  Medical Fees	....	....	....	....	....	....	....	....	....	....	  640	 5  10						15573	 3 10	   Gate Division to Visitors	....	9072	18   3
		18694	 2 11	"  Match Expenses (including Travelling, Advertising, Printing and Gate Exps.)		....	15594	 6   6						 3203	13  8	   League %, Subscriptions, etc		3505	 2   7
		 2435	15  4	"  Training Expenses and Wages	....	....	....	....	....	....	....	....	 3130	14   8						 7543	 6  2	   Entertainment Tax....	....	7370	 9   9
		 5107	14  5	"  Ground Expenses and Wages    ....	....	....	....	....	....	....	....	 8395	15   2				 26320	 3   8	_____________						_______________	19948	10   7
		  605    3  7	"  National Insurance	....	....	....	....	....	....	....	....	....	  622	19   3		75876	9   4	_______________										______________	74449	11   6
		  877	 8  6	"  Players' Requisites, Equipment, etc......	....	....	....	....	....	....	 1369	 8   1		 1634	8   5					"  Sublets, Programme, etc.	....					 1648	11   1
		11350	 4  5	"  Rents, Rates, Taxes, Telephone, Lighting, Water, Insurance & Office Exps.	....	....	11529	16   5		    1	7   6					"  Share Transfer Fees		....					    4	15   0
		  384	12  6	"  Legal Costs and Accountancy		....	....	....	....	....	....	....	  378	12   3
		  344	10  0	"  Pension	....	....	....	....	....	....	....	....	....	....	  326	10   0
		  275	10  3	"  Bank Charges	....	....	....	....	....	....	....	....	....	....	  619	19   3								"  Balance: Excess of Expendi-
		_____________													______________        								ture over Income to
		66040	 2  2																							Profit and Loss Account						 9967	 2  10
		11472	 3  1	"  Balance: Excess of Income over Expenditure to Profit and Loss Account....				_			_
		_____________													_______________		______________														_______________
		£77512	 5  3													£86070	 0   5		£77512	5   3														£86070	 0   5
		_____________													_______________		______________														_______________

														        For Period 7th May, 1950 to 5th May, 1951.

		6th May, 1950.												5th May, 1951.		6th May, 1950.												5th May, 1951.
		  £	 s. d.												  £	s.  d.		  £	 s.  d.												  £	s.  d.
		 1755	 0  0	To Depreciation written off Stands, etc.....	....	....	....	....	....	 1586	 0  0		21853	 9   9	By Balance: Surplus at 6th May, 1950, as per Certified Accounts	....	....	....	28325	16   9
		   80	 6  8	" Provision for Dividend at 7½% per annum, less Tax, to 5th May, 1951	....	....       80	 6  8		  835	10   7	"  Income from Properties	....	....	....	....	....	....	....	  632	13  11
		 4000	 0  0	" Provision for Taxation....	....	....	....	....	....	....	....		—			_	"  Profit on Sale of Property	....	....	....	....	....	....	....      190	18   8
			—	" Excess of Expenditure over Income	....	....	....	....	....	....     9967	 2 10			—	"  Income Tax Reserve not required 	....	....	....	....	....	....	 3600	 0   0
		28325	16  9	" Balance carried forward 	....	....	....	....	....	....	....	21115	19 10		11472	 3   1	"  Excess of Income over Expenditure	....	....	....	....	....	....		—
		_____________												______________		______________												_______________
		£34161	 3  5												£32749	 9  4		£34161	 3   5												£32749	 9   4
		_____________												______________		______________												_______________

																	BALANCE SHEET AS AT 5th MAY, 1951.

		  		6th May, 1950.											5th May, 1951.						6th May,  1950.							  		5th May, 1951.
		  £	s.  d.	  £	s.  d.	  £	s.  d.						  £	s.  d.	  £	s.  d.	  £	s.  d.		 £	s.  d.	  £	 s.  d.	  £	s.  d.						  £	s.  d.	  £	s.  d.	  £	s.  d.
								CAPITAL AND RESERVES.																FIXED ASSETS.
								 Capital Nominal:																 Freehold Land, including
		 2500	 0  0					  2500 Shares of £1 each	....	 2500	0   0												  Property at cost as per last
		_____________										______________										38936	 9 11	  Balance Sheet		....	....	43411	 9 11
								 Capital Issued:																 Additions, at cost during
								  2210 Shares issued and													 4475	 0  0	  year	....	....	....	....	 4403	 2  0
									allotted on which 15/-											43411	 9  11	_______________						_____________	47814	11 11
									per Share has been															 Stands, Hoardings and Erec-
						 1657	10   0		called up and paid ....		 1657	10  0												  tions, etc. at Goodison Park,
								   290  Bonus Shares issued and													18225	 0  0	 Book value at 1st May, 1948.		 18225	 0  0
						  290	 0   0		allotted to Old Mem-															 Less: Depreciation written off
									bers fully paid	   ....		  290	 0  0										 3465	 0  0	   to date	....	....	....	  4941	 0  0
								 ______														14760	 0   0	_______________						_____________	13284	 0  0
				 1947	10  0	_______________	  2500					_______________	 1947	10  0								 1349	11  6	 Amplifying Equipment, at cost		  1349	11  6
																										 Less: Depreciation written off
								Reserves & Undistributed Profits.												  249	11  6	   to date	....	....	....	   359	11  6
								 Reserve for Rehabilitation of											 1100	 0   0	______________						______________	  990	 0  0
						  766	17   0	   Practice Ground	....	....	  766	17  0						 59271	 9 11	______________										______________	 62088	11 11
						28325	16   9	 Profit and Loss Account	....	21115	19 10
				29092	13  9	______________						_____________	 21882	16 10
		 31040	 3  9	______________										 _____________	 23830	 6 10								CURRENT ASSETS.
								CURRENT LIABILITIES.												 2678	 9 10			 Sundry Debtors		....	....			 1546	16  4
				 6191	19  5			 Sundry Creditors	....	....			  3551	 8  3						   10	 5  0			 Sundry Deposits        ....	....			   10	 5  0
				 1543	12  0			 Current Taxation	....	....			   960	 0  0										 Midland Bank Ltd., Pro-
				  336	 6  9			 Unclaimed  Dividends		....			   351	 6  1						  155	 3  9			  gramme a/c.....	....	....
								 Dividends for year to 5th								  							 Midland Bank Ltd., Dividend					_
				   80	 6  8			  May, 1951	....	....	....			    80	 6  8						  336	 6  9			  Account	....	....	....			  351	 6  1
								 Midland Bank, General a/c.											  930	19  5			 Cash in hand	....	....	....			   19	 4  3
								  (Secured by charge on												 2180	 0  0			 War Damage Repairs	....	....			 2847	18  2
				 8469	19  4			  Property)						 23988	 3  3				  6291	 4  9	______________										_____________	  4775	 9 10
		 16622	 4  2	______________										______________	 28931	 4  3
				 4343	 6  0			 Provision for Future Taxation				   989	 9  0
				13557	 0  9			 Provision for Deferred Repairs                          13113	 1  8
		 17900	 6  9	______________										_______________	 14102	10  8
		______________														 ____________		 _____________														 ______________
		£65562	14  8														£66864	 1  9		£65562	14  8														£66864	 1  9
		______________														_____________		______________														________________

				Signed on behalf of the Board,
							W. R. WILLIAMS}																							W. DICKINSON, Secretary.
							R. E. SEARLE  }	Directors.
			We have obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of our knowledge and belief were necessary for the purposes of our audit. In our opinion proper books of account have been kept by the Company so far as
		appears from our examination of these Books. We have examined the above Balance Sheet and annexed Profit and Loss Account, which are in agreement with the Books of Account. In our opinion and to the best of our information and
		according to the explanations given us, the said Account gives the information required by the Companies Act, 1948, in the manner so required, and the Balance Sheet gives a true and fair view of the state of the Company's affairs at the 5th
		May, 1951, and the Profit and Loss Account gives a true and fair view of the loss for the period ended on that date.
		30 North John Street, Liverpool, 2.																								T. THEO. ROGERS, BOWLER & CO.,
			15th May, 1951.																												Chartered Accountants.