71 An offer to publish an Official Club Handbook was considered and turned down. F. LEAGUE A. G. M. The following decisions were made:- To support the three retiring members of the Management Committee for Re-election. To support the re-election of the bottom two clubs in each section of the 3rd Division. To support the proposal for maximum Winter Wages to be increased to £14 per week. To support the proposal for Match Bonus to be increased to £6 for a win and £3 for a draw, and for the proposed increase in Bonuses in the F. A. Cup. To support the increase to £2 per day for subsistence money for Players on Foreign Tours. To support the proposal for £3 weekly, Winter v Summer for Service players. CENTRAL LEAGUE It was agreed to support the A. G. M. re-election of the two bottom Clubs and to Mr. E. Gill for the vacancy on the Management Committee. F. A. COUNCIL It was agreed to nominate Mr. T. S. Wood of the Cheshire F. A. to represent Div. 3 on the F. A. Council. NEXT MEETING Wednesday June 20th 1951 at 4 p.m. Confirmed as correct W. R. Williams Chairman. 20/6/51.