69 39. Letters of thanks had been received from the Ruthin F. C. and Ruthin and District British Legion. The accounts and Balance Sheet were presented by Mr. Bowler and it was agreed to write off the Cost of Baths at Bellsfield £1300, Medical Room £1008, Motor Mower £243. The amount expended on bathing & Equipment be written off the Income & Expenditure a/c. That depreciation amounting to £1476, be written off all stands, Hoardings & Erections. That depreciation amounting to £110, be written of the Amplifier System. That the Balance on the Brick Cladding to the Bullens Road stand be charged against deferred repairs. That the payments to Mr. Keely be charged to office Xcs. That the profit on the Sale of 29 Elgar Rd. be taken into the Profit & Loss a/c. That a dividend of 7½ %, less income Tax, be made on the paid up capital of the Company. It was agreed that the weekly Financial statements be discontinued. Next Meeting Tuesday 29th May at 4 p.m. Confirmed as correct. E. Green 29.5.51 Chairman.