
			[Meeting held Exchange Hotel, L'pool
				Tuesday May 15th 1951]

		Present:- Mr. W. R. Williams (Chair) and all other
			Directors excepting Messrs R. E. Searle & F. W. Lake.
			Manager & Secretary in attendance.

			Minutes of Meetings of May 8th & 10th were
		read and confirmed.

Finance			Receipts reported were:-
		Lancashire Amateur Cup Final		 98.11.0
		L'pool Union Cup Final			 38. 3.6
		L'pool Junior Cup Final			130. 1.6
		Sheffield Wednesday F. C.    Share	409.11.8
			Cheques were signed for:-
		Customs & Excise			  5. 1.4
		Lancs. F. A.				 77. 8.8
		L'pool C. F. A.				 68. 7.7
		Bootle F. C.				  6. 5.9
		Fleetwood Hesketh F. C.			 30.12.1
		W. Dickinson		Wages		146. 1.6
		    -do 	      Petty Cash	 82. 1.6
		Theo. Kelly				 20. 0.0
			Bank Balance £24,035.10.8 Dr.

Reports			Mr. Britton reported his visits to Southend
		and Cardiff, and the players he had seen.
			Stubbs I. F. (Southend) did not appear ready
		for us yet. He was 5'8" and 22 yrs. of age.
			French R. H. (Southend) age 24, was
		faulty in defensive play, and would have to show
		better forms.
			Allchurch I. L. (Swansea) had played well
		for Wales v Portugal, but lacks punch.
			Several request few permission to play
		our players in representative games were granted
		providing they were adequately covered by Insurance.