67 place on Thursday June 14th at 7.30 pm. Mr. W. C. Gibbins agreed to attend the Liverpool County F. A. but meeting on May 26th, and the L'pool Schools Dinner on May 15th, and also reported his attendance at the Youth International at Anfield on May 5th. Mr. Britton reported details of the Junior games due to be played in the next few days. Transfer of The following were approved:- shares share Nod 1955-1957 from Geo. Evans to John Meares do 2093-2095 from Xor. A. Evans to John Meares. Next Meeting Tuesday 14th May 1951. Confirmed as correct W. R. Williams Chairman. 15/5/51 [Emergency meeting held at Goodison Park Thursday May 10th 1951] Present Mr. W. R. Williams (Chair) & all other Directors excepting Messrs F. W. Lake & N. R. Williams. Secretary in attendance The proposed letter to be sent to the shareholders, signed by Messrs W. R. Williams, E. Green, C. S. Baxter, F. W. Lake, J. C. Sharp, H. R. Williams & N. W. Coffey was read and approved, as also was the form of proxy in favour of Messrs F. W. Lake, N. W. Coffey & T. C. Nuttall. Confirmed as correct W. R. Williams Chairman 15/5/51