65 was turned down, It was agreed inst. to claim any expenses for sending a team to Chester to play in a Benefit Match. It was reported that Sagar was doubtful for Saturday, but the report on fielding was more promising. Wanniwright would have to stay on Crutches a further 7 weeks. Reported that S. Clarke had tendered his notice, and this was accepted. T. Kelly 47. It was agreed that Mr. Theo. Kelly service should entitle him to the Football League long service medal. It was agreed that Mr. H. Trenton be advised that no work would be undertaken till next season regarding stand painting etc. and that he be asked to render his account. Liverpool County It was agreed that Mr. W. Dickinson F. A. replace Mr. T. Kelly as the club representative on the Liverpool County F. A. Council. Nominations It was reported that Nominations for the Bond had be received in respect of Messrs J. Carson, R. F. Murphy & T. C. Nuttall. Directors Away To Sheffield Messrs E. Green, R. E. Searle. J. C. Sharp & H. R. Williams. Next Meeting Tuesday 8 May 1951. Confirmed as correct W. R. Williams chairman. 8/5/51.