64 [Meeting held Exchange Hotel, L'pool Wednesday, May 2nd, 1951.] Present:- Mr. W. R. Williams (Chair) & all other Directors excepting Mr. F. W. Lake. Manager & Secretary in attendance. Minutes of Meeting of 24th Apl. were read and confirmed. Finance Receipt reported were:- Sale of England v Portugal Tkts. 830. 0.0 Gate:- L'pool C. F. A. v Erie F. A. 275.15.0 Cheques were signed for:- W. Dickinson Wages 545. 3.6 -do- Petty Cash 104.13.9 Directors Expenses 106. 1.2 W. Dickinson 51.10.4 Theo. Kelly 20. 0.0 Bank Balance £22,039.5.6 Dr. Reports Messrs E. Green & J. C. Sharp reported on the 1st Team game v Derby County, after which Mr. Britton gave his report of the game. Retain List It was agreed that all players, with the exception of Bentham & Humphreys be retained for next season. 29 Agreed to allow Liverpool Schoolboys to have the use of the ground for Wed. May 23rd, but not for May 16th. It was agreed to replace the nets on the three Tennis Courts at Bellefield for the Dunlop Walton Sports Club. It was noted that the change for printing programmes was to be increased by 15/- per 1000, for Mar. & Apl. A request from the 284 1st West Lancs. F. A. for the use of Bellefield on Sundays