61 [Meeting held Exchange Hotel, L'pool, Tuesday Apl. 24th 1951.] Present:- Mr. W. R. Williams (Chair) & all other Directors excepting Messrs F. W. Lake with apologies & W. R. Williams. Manager & Secretary in attendance. Minutes of Meeting of Apl. 17th were read and confirmed. Finance Receipts reported were :- Gate v Aston Villa 3435.9.9 Sale of England v Scotland Tickets 252.3.0 Sunderland F. C. Share 255.0.10 Cheque were signed for:- Customs & Excise Tax 280.1.2 Football League 4% 120.15.0 Aston Villa F. C. Share 452.7.8 L'pool Police Services 48.0.0 W. Dickinson Wages 516.17.6 do Petty Cash 106.16.3 Theo. Kelly 20.0.0 Bank Balance £22,396.19.0 Dr. Reports Messrs J. C. Sharp & A. W. Coffey reported on the 2nd Team game v Blackpool Res. and Mr. C. S. Britton reported on the 1st Team game v Aston Villa. It was agreed to allow Sligo Rovers to sign D. Cameron for next Season on the same understanding as last year. Agreed that a donation of £10 be sent to St. Lawrence C. Y. M. S in respect of J. W. Parker. {59} It was reported that the K. O. on May 5th v Chesterfield Res. would be 5.45 pm. and that the postponed game v M/c City Res. was field for Wed. Apl. 25th at Goodison Park.