
Present:- 	Mr. R. E. Searle (Chair) & Messrs. E. Green & W. C. Gibbins.
		Manager & Secretary in attendance.

PLAYERS' KIT. 	Agreed to place orders for up to £500 before prices
		were increased.

GROUND SUMMER WORK. Agreed to obtain prices for grass seed needed.

WASHING MACHINE. Agreed to obtain a new washing machine.

MRS. GAMBLE. 	It was agreed that this employee should have her
		wages increased to 15/- per day for each of two
		days per week.

LINDSAY.	It was reported that this player had agreed to
		wait for the tenancy of Buckle's house if it
		became vacant.

18 GOODISON AVE. It was agreed to allow Lello to have the tenancy
		of this house which was now vacant.

217 WALTON LANE. It was agreed to repair and refix the porch over
		the front door by our own staff.

78 MOSTYN AVE.	It was agreed to obtain a new gate for Eglington's
		house, to be fixed by our own staff.

H. BATEMAN.	It was agreed to pay him £10 for the extra work he
		had done for the club.

PRIVATE LEDGER.	It was agreed to authorise the purchase of a new
		Private Ledger as recommended by the Auditors at
		an approximate cost of £20.0.0.

STAND RISERS.	It was agreed to recommend that this job be done.

BULLENS ROAD GABLE END WALL. It was agreed to recommend that the {refer
		job of brick filling this wall be carried on with. back
								 W. R. W.}
STAND PAINTING.	It was agreed to obtain prices for the Painting
		of the Bullens Road Stand and the Old Goal Stand.