
		for the use of the ground was considered agreed
		that it be turned down if not possible to fit in.
			The suggested date of Apl. 30th for the Chester
		Benefit Match was agreed to.
			It was reported that replies were still being
		awaited in connection with the proposed French
			Agreed to give permission to the B. B. C. to
		broadcast the 2nd Half of the England v Portugal
		game on May 19th.
			Agreed that we accept an offer of 10 gns.
		from Advertising Service for the use of our
		fixture list for Season 1951-52 if permissible.
			Agreed that the Wednesday Amateur
		League be allowed the use of the ground for their
		Final on May 9th.
			Mr. Britton reported his visit to the
		Port Vale v Crystal Palace game, which was
		abandoned after 55 mins. play.

Central League		Agreed to nominate & support the three
		retiring members, Messrs J. Longden, H. Normansell & S. R. Williams.

Lancs F. A.		Agreed that we nominate Mr. E. W.
		Raynor for re-election in Div. 5 to the Council,
		and that we nominate Mr. J. Taylor for
		President and Messrs H. Hopkinson & J. Twist for

Correspondence		Agreed that tickets be obtained for
		those who wished to attend the Outing & Dinner
		of the F. League Secretaries & Manager's Assn. on
		June 3rd.

Directors Away		To Sunderland:- Mr. E. Green
			England v Scotland.

Next Meeting		Tuesday Apl. 17th 1951. at 4 p.m.

					Confirmed as correct
						W. R. Williams