
			[Meeting held Exchange Hotel L'pool
			Tuesday, Apl. 2nd 1951.]

			Present:- Mr. W. R. Williams (Chair) and
		all other Directors excepting Mr. F. W. Lake who sent
		an apology.
			Manager & Secretary in attendance.
			Minutes of Meeting of Mar. 27th were read
		and confirmed.

Finance			Cheques were signed for:-
		Customs & Excise	Duty		227.9.11
		Lancs C. C. C.				 28.7.0
		W. Dickinson		Wages		525.15.8
		     do		      Petty Cash	 97.7.9
		     do		       Salary		 52.9.0
		Directors Xpenses			129.6.11
		Theo. Kelly				 20.0.0
			Bank Balance £24,567.14.7 Dr.

Reports			Messrs E. Green, R. E. Searle, J. C. Sharp,
		& G. W. Coffey reported on the 1st Team game v
		Spurs, and Mr. W. C. Gibbins, Dr. C. S. Baxter and
		Mr. H. R. Williams reported on the 2nd Team game
		v Sheffield Utd.
			Mr. Britton gave his report of the 1st Team
		gave v Spurs.
			An application from the Liverpool Schools
		F. A. for the use of the ground on Apl. 14th was

			An invitation to send a team to Holly
		Park to play South Liverpool on May 2nd was
		left to Mr. Britton.
			An application from League of
		Wellders to take a collection on the ground
		on Apl. 28th was turned down.
			Agreed that we could not arrange a