52 Reports Mr. E. Green & Mr. C. S. Britton reported on the 1st Team game v Manchester Utd., and Mr. W. C. Gibbins, Dr. C. S. Baxter & Mr. H. R. Williams reported on the 2nd Team game v Leeds Utd. Res. Confirmation was given to the signing of Lindsay, age 26, from Glasgow Rangers for a fee of £9,500. A letter of thanks from the F. A. was read, for the arrangements made for the Semi-Final replay. A complaint from the British Legion was read, following the refusal of admission to the Semi-Final replay agreed that this be dealt with according to circumstances. Applications for the use of the ground for a Schoolboy Match on Mar. 28 and a Police match on Apl. 11th were left in Mr. Brittons hands. It was agreed to send teams to play against the Llandudno v District League, and Bethesda Ath. later in the Season, if circumstances permitted. Reported that Eglington & Fielding were doubtful for Sat, but there was a possibility of Fielding being fit. Catterick had pulled a muscle. An invitation to the Chairman on his representative to became a Vice President of the Liverpool District association Football Referees Society was considered. Agreed that it would be better not to accept. Directors Away To Manchester:- Mr. E. Green. Next Meeting Tuesday Mar. 29th at 4 pm. Confirmed as Correct W. R. William 27/3/51 Chairman.