		   The President stated that the Management Committee agreed to a great extent but considered 
		that the Association of Secretaries and Managers, and not the League, should run any scheme.
		   Sheffield Wednesday F. C. supported Mr. Keys and asked if the League could find some scheme 
		to help the Association.

Insurance	   The President reported the result of enquiries regarding the Insurance of Amateur players
of		as follows :—
Amateurs.				33 Clubs already have adequate cover.
					 5 Clubs have partial cover.
					44 Clubs have no cover.
					10 Clubs did not reply.
		   The President stated that very few serious accidents to Amateurs arise in any year and, 
		whilst it is sound provision to insure Amateurs, the Management Committee did not consider it 
		necessary to introduce a block Scheme for all Amateurs with League Clubs.

Broadcasting.	   The President reported that there was no evidence that the Broadcasting of the second half 
		of normal League matches affected attendances, but that the Broadcasting of International 
		matches and the Cup Final when played on Saturdays undoubtedly reduced attendances. He 
		pointed out that there was only one Saturday International match in England every two years, 
		and that it was hoped that in future the Cup Final would be played on the last Saturday in the 

Television.	   The President stated that he was a member of the Postmaster-General's Committee on 
		Television, which sat monthly. It was considered that football was not one of the best subjects 
		for Television. He had suggested that films should be made of matches that could be shown in 
		the evening so as not to interfere with attendances, and this was under consideration.

Contracts of	   The President referred to the Players' Union submissions regarding Contracts of Service,
Service.	the main points of which were : —
			1.   That there should be no alterations of terms either up or down without  prior 
			     agreement with the Union.
			2.   That Clubs are bound by Football Association and Football League Rules as are the 
			3.   That in disputes the players to have the right to Union and/or Legal representation. 
			     (Here the President pointed out that this was on the principle of the Shop Steward, 
			     and that though the League were not in agreement, the Ministry of Labour would 
			     probably enforce it if the matter was brought before them.)
			4.   The extension of agreement up to five years, and the players to be free on the 
			     termination of the agreement.   The maximum wage also to be abolished.
			5.   That agreements should include a compulsory benefit clause.
		   The President stated that the Football League and the Football Association were working 
		together in this matter, and asked for the guidance of Clubs for the next meeting with the Players' 
		   Birmingham City F. C. objected to the suggested removal of the maximum wage and sought 
		to move a resolution to that effect. They stated that in Scotland, where there was no maximum 
		wage, success was only for the rich and that poverty was the lot of the others.
		   Other Clubs spoke in support of the Maximum Wage Clause being retained, and whilst no 
		resolution was proposed, it was obvious that all agreed with the principle.

Dates of	   Luton Town F. C. asked if the Management Committee could not bring forward the question
Yearly		of altering the dates of contracts from 1st August to 31st July to 1st July to 30th June, and
Contracts.	suggested that this would help Clubs in their negotiations with players.
		   The Secretary asked Clubs to forward any evidence showing that the present contracts are 
		causing players to delay signing unduly, so that the matter could be brought before the Joint 
		   Sunderland F. C. supported Luton Town F. C.

Club Right	   Liverpool F. C. referred Clubs to Football Association Standing Order No. 16 and asked for
of Appeal.	the support of the Management Committee and Clubs to get this altered. They pointed out that
		under this Order there was no right of appeal against the decisions of the Disciplinary Committee 
		given under this Order. They had no objection to the Order except for the last few words which 
		stated "their decision being final and not subject to appeal." They considered that Clubs would 
		never abuse the right of appeal and considered that provision should be made for it.

Free Kicks.	   Luton Town F.C. stated that it was time there was some definite decision, and that referees 
		should be instructed regarding the taking of free kicks so that there would be complete uniformity.

Unfit		   The Northern Section representative stated that at the present time only the appointed   ;
Grounds.	referee was empowered to declare the ground unfit for play and suggested that the Home Club
		was in a position to judge, and, with the co-operation of the League, arrangements could be made 
		for a referee in the district to inspect the ground and give a decision and so save fruitless journeys. 
		He suggested that the Management Committee should provide a Rule to cover this point.
		   Aldershot F. C. spoke in support.
		   The President, in closing the Meeting, thanked the members for their attendance. It had been 
		a most instructive Conference, and the many points brought forward had been noted and would 
		be further considered by the Management Committee.
		   The Meeting closed at 12-50 p.m.
