taken to Harrogate for a weeks special training. The agenda for the annual conference of Clubs was discussed, and agreed that the Players Union proposals be opposed. ACTING SECRETAY It was agreed that an W. Dickinson be authorised to sign cheques and documents on behalf of the Company until further notice. SEMI-FINAL REPLAY In the event of a replay being necessary on our ground on March 14, it was agreed that each Director be allocated 100 Ticket, and Shareholders 2 Tickets each. Directors Away To Manchester (Semi-Final) H. R. William. To Aston Villa:- Mr. A. W. Coffey. Share Transfer Shares nod 81-83 from Xer. Arthur Riley to Donglas Liggett Riley was approved. Next Meeting Tuesday March 13 at 4 pm. Conference as Correct W. R. Williams Chairman 25/3/51