44 and St. Luke's Church Jubilee were left in abeyance. 39 A letter of thanks from Newton A. F. C. for our Donation of £5 was read. It was agreed to donate £5 to the Testimonial Fund to Alderman Isaac Robinson, and to purchase two tickets for the Presentation Dinner on Apl. 4th for the use of Messrs R. E. Searle & F. W. Lake. An invitation for a representative to attend the Liverpool Referees Hot Pot Supper and Smoking Concert on Feb. 22nd was read, and agreed that we notify them with regret that a representative could not attend. An offer from Joe Hale of Gibraltar, to arrange 3 matches on the Rock if desirable was read. 40. Mr. Britton reported the results of the new charge of 3rd for the programme, and the more advantageous terms to us, he had arranged with the Sellers. Correspondence A letter was read from Walter Manning, a British Referee in Chile, suggesting that we donate a trophy on pennant to the Everton F. C. there. Agreed that we inform him that we had already presented them with a pennant. Agreed that a letter of condolence be sent to Bolton Wanderers F. C. on the death of their Director, Dr. Andrew Cochrane. A Copy of the proposed revised Rules of the Football League was available, and would be circulated among the Directors as required. Directors Away To Derby:- Mr. E. Green. Transfer of Shares Nod. 2200 and 1370 from Shares