39 A letter had been received from the F. A., intimating that they would be pleased to hear the result of our proposal to the 34 Football League re Amateur Players Training Xes. It was agreed to donate £5 to the Newtown A. F. C. ground development fund. Ruthin & District British Legion had invited us to send a team at the end of the season to play a match in aid of the Dame Hunt Memorial Fund, and this was left to Mr. Britton. Stockport v Gateshead. Ingham (O. R.) of Gateshead on this match was no better than what we already have. The specialist had reported that he was satisfied with the progress Lello had made, and thought it was advisable for him to keep on playing. A letter of thanks from Maymount Rovers was read, for our Donation to them. It was agreed that a request from the Grammar Schools for the use of the ground on Mar. 12th, to play the Final for the Everton Shield be granted. Season Tickets 37 It was agreed that all Season Tickets for 1951-2 be valid only for Football League and Central League Matches, and be worded accordingly. Directors Away To Nottingham:- Messrs E. Green & H. R. Williams. Next Meeting Tuesday Feb. 13th 1951, following a Directors Meeting at 3 p.m. Confirmed as Correct W. R. Williams 13/2/51. Chairman. * Folioed under "A".