38 [Meeting held Exchange Hotel, L'pool, Tuesday Feb. 6th 1951.] Present:- Mr. W. R. Williams (Chair) and all other Directors excepting Mr. N. R. Williams from whom an apology for absence was received. Manager & Acting Secy. in attendance. Minutes of Meeting of Jany. 30th were read & confirmed. Finance Cheques were signed for:- Directors Expenses 51. 2.11 Postmaster General Postages 50. 0. 0 C. S. Britton Salary 124. 5. 4 W. Dickinson Wages 499.11.10 do Petty Cash 121. 6. 9 Bank Balance £21,611.7.3 Dr. Reports Messrs W. C. Gibbins, Dr. C. S. Baxter, R. E. Searle and F. W. Lake reported on the 2nd Team game v Bury Res., in which R. M. Taylor had played well in goal. Mr. Britton reported on the 1st Team game v Portsmouth, and Mr. E. Green expressed his agreement. Mr. Britton had suggested to 36 Runcorn F. C. that they should sign Kearsley as a professional, and then transfer him to us on the following terms:- £250 on signing, a further £250 after he had played 10 Central League games, and a further £500 when he had played in 10 1st Team games. The players had expressed a desire to go on Tour during the close season, and this was agreed upon. R. Sounders had signed professional forms for us, and it was left to Mr. Britton to decide when to post the forms, after speaking to the F. A.