37 The question of a Summer Tour was discussed, and it was agreed to ascertain the players views before making a decision. Mr. Britton reported his visit to the Burnley v Blackburn R. game, to see Eckersley (L. B.). The ground conditions were bad, and the game played in a very friendly spirit, and he could not form an opinion whether he was 100% fit or not. Rankin was due for Call up anytime now. Wainwright had been to have his plaster removed, and a new one put on, and was to have muscle treatment at Southport. Lello was to have another week at the home, but should return for the week end. Season Tickets Mr. Green proposed that the wording on all Season Tickets be altered to read, "This ticket is available only for Football League and Central League Matches", and that this item be included on next weeks agenda. 25 Correspondence A Letter from Halifax Town F. C. was read informing us that their president, Mr. C. E. Mattock had died. Agreed that a letter of sympathy be sent. Directors Away To Portsmouth:- Messrs E. Green, R. E. Searle, J. C. Sharp, H. R. Williams & N. W. Coffey. Transfer of Shares Nod. 1469 - To - 1471 from Mr. Shares Cummard Deed to William Cummard (Son) was approved. Next Meeting Tuesday Feb. 6th at 4 pm. Confirmed as correct W. R. Williams 6/2/51 Chairman