
		to Runcorn F. C. for this player. Mr. Britton
		reported on his talks with the Liverpool Schoolboys
		F. A. officials in connection with the use of the
		ground which had been very successful. It was
		reported that South Liverpool F. C. had given us 1st
		refusal for their players Brown, Pringle & Paulin
		and were prepared to allow them to play in a
		mid-week private trial if we wished. Catterick
		had made a request for permission to train away
		from the Club. After Mr. Britton had given his
		views it was agreed to leave the matter in his

Correspondence		A letter from Ald. J. J. Cleary was read on behalf
		of the Liverpool Festival of Youth, requesting the
		use of the ground for a massed display on June 2nd.
		Agreed that Mr. Britton should see Ald. Cleary.
		and find out what the display will consist of,
		and subject to it being of a suitable nature,
		that permission be granted.

Indemnity		Agreed that a new certificate be issued the name
		of Alfred Grocott, sale Adm. of Walter Grocott against
		an indemnity, and that he be recorded as the
		holder in accordance with his request.

Next Meeting		Thursday Jan. 30th at 4 pm.

				Confirmed as correct
					E. Green