31 [Meeting held Exchange Hotel, L'pool Tuesday 16th Jan 1951] Present:- Mr. E. Green (Chair) & Messrs W. C. Gibbins, R. E. Searle, F. W. Lake, J. C. Sharp, H. R. Williams and N. W. Coffey, Manager & Acting Secy. in attendance. Letter of apology was recd. Minutes of meeting of 9th Jan. were from Dr. Baxter. read & confirmed. Finance Receipts Reported were:- Hull City F. C. Share Gate 1323.7.8 Gate v Stoke City 2286.6.3 Cheques were signed for:- Customs & Excise Tax 180.18.7 Football League 4% 79.0.4 Stoke City F. C. share 308.16.1 L'pool Police 46.4.0 W. Dickinson Wages 481.7.10 do Petty Cash 68.0.6 Bank Balance £15,799.16.6 Dr. Reports Mr. Britton reported on the 1st & 2nd team games v Stoke City. It was reported that home and away friendly matches had been arranged with Notts County for Jan. 27th & Feb. 10th. The manager reported his visit to the Blackpool v Charlton Cup-tie, but had seen nothing of note Carlisle v Arsenal. He was disappointed with Hogan, who had a tendency to hold back, and thought twentyman was not as good as Jones. A request from the Players Union for a sight of the Club Doctors report re Hodgkiss was considered and it was agreed that we sent them a copy, a request from the Liverpool & District Referees Society for consideration for Cup & International tickets was considered, and it was agreed that we refer them