29 [Meeting held Exchange Hotel L'pool Tuesday 9th Jan. 1951] Present:- Mr. E. Green (Chair) & Messrs W. C. Gibbins, R. E. Searle, J. C. Sharp, N. W. Coffey & H. R. Williams Manager & Acting Secy. in attendance. Minutes of Meeting of 2nd Jan. were read & confirmed. Finance Receipts reported was:- West Bromwich A. F. C. Share Gate 165.14.6 Cheques were signed for:- C. S. Britton Salary 192.12.4 W. Dickinson Wages 496.6.10 do Petty Cash 56.6.5 Wembley Stadium Ltd. Cup Final Tkts. 200.17.0 Bank Balance £18,183.14.5 Dr. Reports Messrs W. C. Gibbins & R. E. Searle reported on the Cup-tie v Hull City, and Messrs J. C. Sharp & N. W. Coffey concurred. Mr. E. Green reported on the 2nd team game v Newcastle Utd. Res. Mr. Britton reported on the game versus Hull C. It was reported that Farnell, Potts, Catterick, Harris, Parker & Lello all had flu. A report was given of the offers of games for Jan. 27th. It was agreed that we claim that date for home game and it was left to the manager to arrange a suitable fixture. It was agreed that Liverpool Schoolboys be granted the use of the ground on Saturday morning Jan. 20th. Letters of thanks were read from Tansey, Woods, Lewis, and Mr. Fletcher on behalf of his son for the Christmas parcels which were sent. A Letter from St. Patricks F. C. was read re the signing of Cummins and it was noted that they had returned our cheque for £25.