25 tackling. A fee of £1000 had been mentioned but it was understand that Aston Villa have first call on their players. Mr. Britton had learned that Hence Williams 25 had been walking for Manchester City v Wrexham at the same time as for us, and he had dispersed written his services. Mr. W. Wootton had been for an interview, but did not impress as quite the type of Scout we want. It was reported that Liverpool F. C. were increasing the price of their programs 23 to 3d after new year, but it was agreed that ours remain at 2d for the time being. A letter of thanks. Pants Day was read from the Pants Day appeal Committee for 20 our Donation of £25. It was agreed to make a Donation of £50 to Edenwood Town F. C. in respect of K. Turphy. Halifax Town had written asking if we could recommended someone for the post of player-manager, but it was not thought that we had anyone suitable. It was agreed to make a grant of £5 to the Christmas Day Benefit match for D. Jones of Longview Rovers who had lost a leg due to an injury sustained while playing football. It was reported that the postponed Reserve Team game v Newcastle Utd. would probably be played on Jan 6th. Reported that G. Tomey had started work with the ground staff, and that Anderton v Saunders who were shortly due for call up would be asked to sign professional forms before they want. Agreed that a parcel be sent to each of our four services players, Woods, Lewis, Fletcher v Tansey. Mr. Britton reported that Brown of East Fife had been transferred to Blackpool, for a fee in the resign of £26,000.