23 their gratitude for the tickets sent for the use of Overseas Students. Programme The question of larger pages for the Programme was discussed, but it was agreed that nothing could be done for this season. Bank Charges 19 It was agreed that we accept the new offer from the Bank of 1/- % over all, with a maximum of £2.10.0 on any one cheque. F. A. Cup Draw It was noted WE were drawn away to Hull City. It was agreed that the Chairman should arrange with the Liverpool F. C. chairman to toss for choice of replay date in the event of both clubs having to replay. Our choice to be Tuesday Jan. 9th if we lost the toss. Price for replay tickets was agreed at 10/- & 5/- for the Bullens Rd. & Goodison Rd. Stands. The two Goal end stands to be 3/6, cash at turnstiles on the day of the match. Messrs W. C. Gibbins It was agreed that a letter of sympathy be sent to Mr. Gibbins, owing to his wife’s ill health. Directors Away To Huddersfield- Messrs W. R. Williams, R. E. Searle & J. C. Sharp. Next Meeting Tuesday Dec. 19th at 4 p.m. Confirmed as Correct W. R. Williams Chairman 19/12/50