
		and to engage J. McDonald as a gobben at £6.5.0
		per week. It was agreed that numbered and reserved
		Season Tickets be issued for the North & South
		ends of Bullens Rd. Stand at £4.0.0 each.
		Present holders to have first chance of renewing
		approval was given to the idea of Risers for the
		Old Goal Stand, but the question of Painting
		Estimates was deferred.

Reports			Mr. E. Green reported that Alcock, Right
		Full Back and Rushworth, Left Half Back, both
		of Cheltenham, had played well and were worthy
		of consideration, particularly the latter.

			Mr. J. C. Sharp reported that Stevenson 17
		(Rhyl) was an excellent Kicker with both feet
		& a good header, but was not a good positional
		player, agreed that Mr. Brittan should see him
		at South Liverpool on Wednesday.
			Pickwick (Norwich) was a strong player,
		but was too small, being only 5' 6½". He would
		not have noticed him unless specially asked to.
			Mr. Brittan reported on the 1st & 2nd
		Team Games. The 1st Team had given an
		excellent display, without having any luck.
			Lindley was now fit, and Catterick,
		Potts & Clinton should be fit for the week end,
		while Buckle was in full training. Mr. Britton
		proposed Sanding Lello to the School at
		Wolverhampton for the proper training to speed
		his full recovery. Wainwright had been
		removed to Lourdes Hospital and Medical opinion
		was that he should be able to play again.
		A Letter of thanks from Ellesmere Port Town F. C.
		was read, from our donation of £75.0.0, and
		also one from the British Council expressing