21 [Meeting held Exchange Hotel, L'pool Tuesday Dec. 12th 1950.] Present :- Mr. W. R. Williams (Chair) & all other Directors excepting Messrs W. C. Gibbins & H. R. Williams. Manager & Acting Secretary in attendance. Minutes of Meeting of Dec. 5th were read & confirmed. Finance Receipts reported were :- Aston Villa F. C. Share £257.12.7 Gate v Derby County £2760.18.3 Cheques were signed for :- Customs v Excise Tax 219.19.5 Football League 4% 97.2.9 Derby County F. C. Share 368.7.7 L'pool City police Services 51.9.0 W. Dickinson Wages 654.8.0 do Petty Cash 111.10.6 Comm. Inland Rev. P. A. Y. E. 287.5.0 Bank Balance £18,214.9.1 Dr. Cummins 20 Mr. Britton reported an interview with St. Patrick's Chairman, who told him that as they were a professional Club they could not allow Cummins to leave freely, and they would be willing to accept £25. This was agreed to. Higgins 15. Mr. Britton reported his phone conversation with Mr. Charnley of the Football League, who told him that nothing could be done to prevent players being tempted from League Football at present. He suggested that we send a letter to the Football League protesting against the 3 yrs contract allowed by the Welsh League. Sub Committee 11 Confirmation was given to the Report recommendation to engage E. Dillon on a full time basis at £7.10.0 per week to cover all eventualities,