		SUB-COMMITTEE MEETING held, at Goodison Park. Thursday Dec. 7th. 1950.

		Present:- Messrs R. E. Searle (Chair), E. Green, W. C. Gibbins &
			  F. W. Lake. Acting Secretary in attendance.

		MAINTENANCE. It was reported that E. Dillon was willing to return
		on the staff after the Holidays on a full time basis. Agreed that he
		be offered £7.10.0 per week to cover all eventualities. Harold Wright
		had recommended James McDonald as a Jobber, and it was agreed that he
		be offered £6.5.0 per week.

		OLD GOAL STAND. It was agreed that timber risers would be a more
		efficient and lasting job for this stand instead of the corrugated
		iron sheets on the false roof as at present. It was agreed that
		prices for the timber required be obtained, and that Mr H. Trantom
		be consulted with regard to the specifications for the Painting work
		needed on the Stands.

		SEASON TICKETS. It was decided that the Unreserved Season Tickets
		for the North End of Bullens Road should be numbered and reserved
		for Season 1951/52, and that Season Tickets be issued for the South
		End of Bullens Road numbered and reserved all at £4.0.0 each. It was
		agreed that notices be printed and displayed asking patrons not to
		stand on the steps and passages of the stands whilst the game was in

		BULLENS ROAD SEAT BRACKETS. It was agreed that an order be placed
		with Charles Reid & Son for 200 seat brackets at 3/- each as estimated.

		RENTS. It was agreed that Hold's rent be reduced from 40/-
		to 30/- per week, and that T. C. Wyles be given notice to quit his
		house in an endeavour to obtain possession for another player.