					The Everton Football Club Company Ltd.

		Report of the Directors to the Sixty-eighth Annual General Meeting of the Company to be

					held on Thursday, the 19th June, 1947.

	The Directors in submitting the Accounts of the Company for the period ending 10th May, 1947, beg to report
    thereon, as follows:—

											     £    s. d.     £   s. d.
	The Balance to credit of Profit and Loss Account brought forward from last year
	    amounting to    ...   ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...	   19933  6  2
	Less Dividend declared 5th July, 1946, and paid less Income Tax   ...  ...  ...	      80  6  8
													  19852 19 6

	Add Excess of Income over Expenditure...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ... ...     8454  9  4
	   Income from Properties       ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ... ...      462 13  9
	   Income from Investment       ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ... ...        1 12  3
	   War Damage Commissioners (payments on account)   ...  ...  ...  ...  ... ...      283 16  4
	   Profit on Sale of 4% Consols Stock...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ... ...        9 19  5
													   9212 11 1
													  29065 10 7
	Less War Damage Repairs incurred during year   ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ... ...     2199 17  3
													   2199 17 3
													  26865 13 4
	The Directors have made provision in the Accounts for:—
	   Depreciation on Stands, etc. ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ... ...     2250  0  0
													   2250  0 0
	Leaving a Balance to be carried forward of ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ... ...  ...  £24615 13 4

	The retiring Directors who are eligible, and offer themselves for re-election, are Messrs. W. C. Gibbins and
    W. R. Williams.

	The other retiring Director is Mr. George Evans, J. P., who does not offer himself for re-election.

	Nominations have been received on behalf of Messrs. T. C. Nuttall and H. R. Williams.

	The Auditors, Messrs. T. Theodore Rogers, Bowler & Co., retire, and offer themselves for re-election.

	The Transfer Books of the Company will be closed until the 20th day of June, 1947.
										         W. C. GIBBINS, Chairman.

						  (Number of Meetings, 36).

	Mr. E. Green   ...  ...  ...  ...  ... ...    36	Mr. W. R. Williams   ...  ...  ...  ...  ... ...    33
	Mr. W. C. Gibbins   ...  ...  ...  ... ...    35	Mr. F. W. Lake       ...  ...  ...  ...  ... ...    29
	Mr. R. E. Searle, C. C.  ...  ...  ... ...    35	Mr. G. Evans, J. P.  ...  ...  ...  ...  ... ...    26
	Mr. J. C. Sharp	...  ... ...  ...  ... ...    35	Mr. W. C.  Cuff      ...  ...  ...  ...  ... ...    __
	Mr. C. S. Baxter... ...  ...  ...  ... ...    33

			In addition to above 11 Emergency and Sub-Committee Meetings were held.