18 [Annual General Meeting Held at Central Hall, Liverpool, on Thursday, June 19, 1947 at 7 p.m.] Present :- Mr. W. C. Gibbins, E. Green; C. S. Baxter M. D.; W. R. Williams, R. E. Searle C. C., F. W. Lake; J. C. Sharp & 61 Shareholders. Secy. read Notice convening the Meeting. 2 Press Members of the Press were ad- mitted by consent. Directors Report, Mr. W. C. Gibbins gave his report 18 a/cs & Balance Sheet on the Season in the playing & Financial sense, & after Mr. G. Bowler had read the Auditors' Report, the Chairman proposed the adoption of the Accounts & Balance Sheet, as read. Mr. E. Green seconded this & the motion was carried. Dividend Mr. W. R. Williams & Mr. F. W. Lake seconded, that a Dividend of 7½% on the paid-up Capital of the Company, less Income Tax, be paid. This was unanimously approved. Auditors Mr. A. L. Parry supported by Mr. W. Birch, moved the re-election of Messrs T. Theo. Rogers Bowler & Co. as auditors for the forthcoming year at a fee of Eighty Guineas. This was carried unanimously. Directors The Chairman reported that Mr. Geo. Evans, J. P., did not wish to stand for re-election, & as these was only one nomination on behalf of Mr. (Harold Robinson Williams) H. R. Williams, that gentleman along with Mr. W. R. Williams & himself were duly Members of the Board for a period of 3 years. In thanking the Shareholders for their