12 [Meeting held at Exchange Hotel, L'pool, Tuesday, May 20, 1947] Present:- Messrs W. C. Gibbins & all other Directors excepting Mr. W. C. Cuff. Accounts & Balance Mr. G. H. Bowler attended & presented the Sheet Accounts. After consideration it was decided that:- 1.The amount due from Sundry Debtors be valued for the purpose of the Balance Sheet at £12. 2.Depreciation be written off all Stands, Hoardings, & Erections, amounting to £2,250. 3.The amount expended on Clothing & Stores be written off the Income & Expenditure a/c. 4.The Statement of Accounts, Profit & Loss a/c, & Balance Sheet be approved. 5.Payment of Dividend at 7½%, less Income Tax on the Paid-up capital of the Company, be made. A. G. M. It was agreed that this be held on Thursday, June 19, 1947 at 7 pm. in the Central Hall, & that the auditors, Messrs T. Theo. Rogers, Bowler & Co., should take charge of the arrangements. Minutes Minutes of Meeting of 6th inst., was read & confirmed. Finance Receipts reported were:- Wolverhampton Wands. F. C. Share Gate £363.17.6 Gate v Tranmere Rovers £1576.18.3 Cheques were signed:- Customs & Excise Tax £298.10.6 L. C. F. A. Share Gate £239.1.3 Tranmere Rovers F. C. do £479.18.7 L'pool City Police Services £30.16.9 Bank Balance £5588.11.6 Mr. Geo. Evans This Director expressed his warm appreciation of