
			[Meeting held at Exchange Hotel, L'pool
			Tuesday, May 6, 1947.]

		Present:- Messrs W. C. Gibbins (Chair), E. Green, C. S. Baxter M. D.,
			W. R. Williams, R. E. Searle C. C., F. W. Lake & Secy.

			Minutes of Meeting of April 28th were read
		& confirmed.

Finance			Cheques were signed for:-
		Customs & Excise		Tax 		£19.8.8
		L'pool County F. A.	    Share Gate		£17.12.10
		Bromborough Pool		do		£9.18.6
		Shamrock Rovers		Farrel & Eglington	£4000.0.0
		Theo. Kelly			Xes.		£550.0.0
			Bank Balance £5,591.10.7 Cr.

Mr. Gorge Evans J. P.	Chairman read a letter he had received
		from this Director stating with regret, that it was not
		his intention to such re-election owing to the fact that
		he did not feel really-up to arduous travelling &
		the recent loss of his brother had had its effect
		upon him. He expressed his good wishes to his
			It was then decided:-
			1./ That the resignation be accepted with
			2./ That in recognition of his long service
		with the Club he be made a Life Member, which will
		give him the privilege of attending with a friend, all home
		League & Central League matches in the Directors Box.
			3./ That the following official statement be given
		to the Press:- "At the Board Meeting of the Everton F. C.
		held last evening, intimation was received from Mr. Geo. Evans J. P.,
		stating that it was not his intention to seek re-election
		to the Board of Directors. This decision was accepted