EVERTON FOOTBALL CLUB CO., LTD. SECRETARY & MANAGER: Ground & Registered Office:- THEO KELLY TELEPHONE: Goodison Park, AINTREE 2263 Liverpool, 4, TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS: FOOTBALL," LIVERPOOL 16th May, 1947. Dear Sir or Madam, The three retiring Directors this year are Mr. George Evans, J. P., Mr. W. C. Gibbins, and Mr. W. R. Williams. Mr. W. C. Gibbins and Mr. W. R. Williams offer themselves for re-election. Mr. George Evans is resigning and does not offer himself for re-election. The filling of the vacancy thus caused has been carefully considered by your Board, and it has been decided to support the candidature of Mr. Harold R. Williams, a shareholder who has for many years been a very ardent supporter of the Everton Team. We hope, therefore, you will be good enough to sign the enclosed Form of Proxy and return by post at your earliest convenience, for, by so doing, we feel sure that you will be acting in the best interests of our Club. Yours faithfully, W. C. GIBBINS (Chairman). E. GREEN. Dr. C. S. BAXTER. GEORGE EVANS, J. P. W. R. WILLIAMS. R. E. SEARLE, C. C. F. W. LAKE. Major J. C. SHARP.