
			[Meeting held at Exchange Hotel, L'pool,
			Monday, April 28, 1947.]

		Present:- Messrs W. C. Gibbins, (Chair); E. Green, C. S. Baxter,
			G. Evans, W. R. Williams, R. E. Searle,
			F. W. Lake, J. C. Sharp & Sec'y.

			Minutes of Meeting of 22nd inst, were
		read & confirmed.

Finance			After receipts were reported (P. N. E. 1018.14.0)
		Cheques were signed for:-
		Customs  & Excise				£376.15.9
		Preston North End F. C.				£240.4.2
		L'pool City Police				£32.5.9
		J. W. Dickinson		Salary			£32.5.0
		J. R. Thomson		do.			£42.4.4
		Theo. Kelly		do.			£78.8.0
		E. F. C. (Income Tax A/c) on Salaries		£63.16.0

			Bank Balance £10,085.7.6 Cr.

Players Wages		In view of the recent decision made by
		the Arbitration Tribunal, it was agreed to offer
		Dugdale & Hedley £5 Summer &  £7 Winter as wages.

Schoolboy International	Sec'y having reported that owing to a
		misunderstanding of the needs of the situation, provision
		had not been made suitably for our Directors
		requirements, he was instructed to inform the Schools 
		F. A. authorities of our feelings & to impress that alternative
		arrangements should be made to rectify the situation.
Corbett (Doncaster)	Mr. R. Bentham reported that this L. B.
		was 5'9", 11 st & 27 yrs. old. He was a good player,
		but his age precluded him for recommendation.

Gardner (L'pool)	Sec'y reported that having seen this player
		after Mr. H. R. Pickering's strong recommendation, he felt
		that this winger had a great deal in his favor.