4 {5} to be offered £8 & £6. The following to be put on Transfer List:- Livingstone £1500, McPeake v Falder £500, Fumis & Hodgkiss £250. Sponsored Advertising Mr. G. Evans reported his experience at Blackburn. Decided to enquire further details & explore possibilities. Shareholders Assoc'n Letter was read from this body. St. Leonardo Boys Club Consideration of a request from this Club for financial assistance to support the cost of a tour in the Isle of Man, was deferred until next meeting. Player to follow. Sec'y to see Corr & use discretionary powers if pleased with the player. Mr. R. Bentham to see Rhyl players. Mr. W. Laine to see Staniforth. Mr. H. R. Pickering do Corbett. Next Meeting Tuesday, Apl. 22 @ 4.30 pm. Confirmed as correct. W. C. Gibbins 22/4/47 Chairman