			[Meeting held at Xchange Hotel,
			L'pool, Tuesday, Apl. 1, 1947.]

		Present:- Messrs W. C. Gibbins (Chair), E. Green, C. S. Baxter M. D.,
				G. Evans, J. E., W. R. Williams, R. E. Searle, C. C.,
				F. W. Lake, J. C. Sharp, & Secy.

			Minutes of Meeting of March 25th were
		read & confirmed, as also were those of Finance & Sub
		Committee Meeting of Mch. 28th.

Finance			Receipts reported:-
		Manchester Utd. F. C.		Share Gate		£422.  4.0
		Gate v Stoke City					£3172.12.3
			Cheques were signed for:-
		Customs & Excise		   Tax			£593.16.6
		Stoke City F. C.		Share Gate		£376.19.7
		L'pool City Police		 Services		£ 34. 8.6
			Bank Balance £4863.19.5 Cr.

Report of Sub-Comee.	This was received & adopted on the
		proposition of Mr. Williams. (Copy attached.)

Retain & Transfer List	Agreed that terms of re-signing be offered
		as follows:-
		Bentham, Boyes, Burnett, Catterick, Dodds, Eglington,
		Fielding, Farrell, Greenhalgh, Humphreys, Jones T. G., Jackson,
		Lindley, McIlhatton, Sagar, Stevenson & Watson at
		maximum possible wages, viz. £9.0.0 & £11.0.0.
			(It was noted that Cookson , Lyon,
		Makin & Wainwright could derive match payment only.)
			Dugdale £6.10.0 & £5.10.0, Grant £7.0.0
		&  £4.10.0, J. R. Hedley £6.10.0 & £4.10.0, Higgins £8.0.0
		& £6.10.0, J. A. Jones £3 all round. W. Owen £4.10.0 & £2.0.0.
			Decided that the cases of Falder,
		Fimnis: Hodgkiss. & Saunders be re considered, &
		that Johnson, Livingstone & McPeake be put on